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Fluke TLK289 Industrial Master Test Lead Set
Bộ dây đo, kẹp cá sấu Fluke TLK289, sử dụng cho đồng hồ vạn năng Fluke
Phụ kiện của Fluke TLK289 bao gồm:
- TL224 test lead set, AC285 SureGrip™ alligator clips, AC220 SureGrip™ alligator clips, AC280 SureGrip™ hook clips and TP220 SureGrip™ industrial test probes for dependable contact with a variety of test points
- TPAK ToolPak™ Magnetic hanger for convenient suspension of your DMM from a metal surface
- 80BK-AK Type thermocouple temperature probe for direct temperature measurement with your DMM's temperature measurement functions
- C116 protective soft case for your DMM and all its accessories